Massage therapists usually seek employment in environments that fit their training, passion or modality they prefer. All massage is therapy and it is up to you to find what type of therapy you want.
When seeking massage ask yourself what your purpose is for a massage?
What are your needs? Relaxation? Pain relief? Old injury?
Generally a “spa” massage is coupled with pedicures, manicures, facials, etc. and are generally light to medium, relaxing and usually quiet. Most spas in the US sell relaxing environments. Recently more spas are expanding thier modalities to include Deep Tissue, Shiatsu, Hot Stone, Shirodhara, Marma, Thai, etc.
Chiroprators/Pain Centers/Medical Facilities
These therapist are generally specially trained in modalities such as Infant Massage, Lymphatic Drainage, Injury, and specific techniques to correct postural imbalances.
Private Practioners/Massage Therapy Businesses
The majority of these therapist have a good amount of training and a large clientele to support their costs. Their modalities vary widely so always ask and let them know what you are looking for. Most opt for the alternative route to western medicine offering Shiatsu, Thai, Shirodhara, etc. along with Deep Tissue and injury techniques.
At the end of it all you should always have good communication with your therapist, feel comfortable and get what your looking for.